Klase - Roth Family History

Family and friends, I've been studying our fanily history for more than 25 years now, and I think it's time to share this knowledge with you.  Computers and the World-Wide Web have made this sort of work a lot easier than when I started.  I'd like to encourage you all to get involved.

It's going to take some time for me to get this webpage into the form I envision, but let me present a few things right now to get you interested.

I want to thank Cousin Bruce Balliet for nudging me in this direction.

                                                       Al Klase, Jersey City, NJ - 7 Jun 2020

From my the Klase Roth Family Album
(Assembled with Microsoft Publisher)

Now for some fun.  Explore This Webpage.  See if you can find anyone you know.

That page was produced by a free Genealogy program called Gramps.  It only took a couple of clicks.

If you download and install Gramps, use it to open my ged database.
"Right-Click" HERE and "Save Link As"
It currently contains well over three hundred of our relatives, and will give you a good start on your own investigation.  Start by adding people you know to Gramps creating your own database.  Gramps will also produce reports and graphics to help you understand the relationships.  Some of that output was used to enhance my Family Album above.

Balliets pay attention:  Here's and example of some of the material available on the Web.

A few more documents:

Have fun and let me know how you're doing. - Al

Much more to come.