
Map location of Christ Episcopal Church, 74 Park
Ave, Glen Ridge, NJ

Bulletin Board

Pix 8/11/24

Pix 11/3/24

Link to Music Parts

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NJRO Archives

JOIN US!  Sunday February 9, 2025, at 7 pm* 


We are an ad-hoc group of professional and serious amateur musicians who meet on selected Sunday evenings to read standard orchestra repertoire, enjoy each other's company and network.  We're under no pressure to perform, although we perform occasionally, and many of our group are regular players in local community orchestras.

 NJRO meets at 7 pm on selected Sunday evenings at Christ Episcopal Church, 74 Park Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028.

Please join us as we resume reading for fun some symphonies and orchestra standards.  *Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 7 pm at Christ Episcopal Church, 74 Park Ave, Glen Ridge.  This is rescheduled from January 5th.
Special note to our musicians:  download your parts here.

  Link to Map

Celebrating the end of another musical season (2018 - 2019)

Row 1:  Laura Paparatto, Ellen Hill, Innes Borstel.
Row 2:  Peggy Reynolds, Len Tobias, Janet Cicero, Peggy LaVake, Alice Marcus, Libby Schwartz
Row 3:  Dick Franke, Arnie Feldman, Noriko Kubo, Evan Schwartzman, Paul Erickson, Donna Dixon, Bob Whiteley

Photo Al Klase, 6/2/19

  Here we are on Oct. 3, 2021, after a nearly 20-month pandemic hiatus! 
   Excerpt from Beethoven's First Symphony

Players read through some Mozart under the baton of our new maestro, Evan Schwartzman
See video of our Dec. 30, 2018 Oakeside party!

NJRO over the years - see group photos from 2010 to 2018

Recognize anyone?  Peggy LaVake and Laura Paparatto play for               Tied the knot on 12/28/19!
the MESH - Montclair Emergency Serivce for the Homeless - on
selected Thursday evenings

  A thank-you note to Christ Episcopal Church

  ( this letter was mailed hard copy to the C.E.C. along with our donations on December 30, 2019)


Who we are, what we do

We're an ad hoc group of accomplished musicians ranging from serious amateur to professional who meet to enjoy reading orchestral and chamber works and to network and enjoy each other's company.



Interested in joining us?

Any orchestra player is eligible to join. We always need string players. Woodwinds, brass and pianists should check with Laura at (973) 433-0244. Watch this space for our meeting dates.


Want to join us?  Questions, comments?  Email or call us at:

Laura Paparatto:


You can also reach out to:

Peggy Reynolds at

Phone: (201) 435 5447

Peg LaVake at

Phone:  (973) 600 3996